
5K Celebration

Confidence through

Each season comes to an end with a celebratory 5K. This closing event gives program participants of all abilities a tangible sense of accomplishment. Crossing the finish line instills confidence through completion and is a joyful moment program participants always remember! Everyone in our program receives a commemorative medal to celebrate this incredible achievement.

5K Celebration

Confidence through

5K Event Details

GOTR Spring 2025 Iowa City 5K
Saturday, May 24th

Solon Recreation and Nature Area


Pre-5K Activities | 9am

5K Kickoff | 10am


Registration Type Price
Pre-5K Registration $25.00


NOTE: Program participants and coaches have already been registered for the 5K and DO NOT need to register.

Be part of a celebration that empowers girls and embraces the joy of togetherness. Run walk roll, hop, no matter how you move, you belong at the GOTR 5k!  Our 5K is a non-competitive, celebratory event that is an unforgettable day of pure magic. Check back here closer to the event for the full event guide, including course information.

Interested in volunteering at our upcoming Iowa City 5K event? We need volunteers for the following activities to ensure our event is a success! 

  • Set-up and Tear Down
  • GOTR Team Village
  • Cheer Stations
  • Water/Aid Stations

If you have any questions or interested in bringing a group of volunteers, email

Sparkle Runners are an important part of the 5K experience. They serve as back-up Running Buddies and provide additional safety and encouragement on the course. Sparkle Runners may be paired with a GOTR participant or team on race morning OR will walk/run the course on the lookout for participants who may need some extra encouragement. Sparkle Runners must be women, ages 18+, and submit a background check. We need all paces to assist with this - having some folks at the front of the pack, some in the middle, and folks to help sweep.

Want to learn more about how Sparkle Runners help make the 5K speacial? Check out this video from our friends at the GOTR Michiana council. 

If you have any questions email

Adult 5K participant smiles while running outdoors through the city


Our teams are geographically dispersed throughout Eastern Iowa. While most of our teams will participate in the Iowa City 5K Celebration, some of our teams are participating in local celebrations. Our teams in the Cedar Valley (Aldrich, Cedar Heights, Orchard Hill, and Lou Henry) will participate in their own regional GOTR 5K in Cedar Falls while a two of our other teams (Washington YMCA and Mid-Prairie West) will participate in a local  site-based 5K and will receive more information from their coach teams about that events.

The course for a 5K is 3.1 miles. 

As a reminder, this is a fun, celebratory event for our participants and not a competitive race. While our fastest 5K participants will complete the course in 25 minutes, most cross the finish line in 30-50 minutes. Everyone who participates is encouraged to walk, roll, push, run or skip at their happy pace!

First, we understand that life happens, and circumstances might make it impossible to attend.

We strongly encourage that all participants attend and complete the 5K, as it is the goal that teams are preparing for all season long! It’s the ultimate opportunity to build confidence through accomplishment. Remember, this is the first 5K event for many – including coaches, participants, friends and family members. We are in it together!

A Running Buddy is identified by a parent/guardian to complete the 5K alongside a program participant during the 5K event, for the entire duration of the course. Running Buddy responsibilities include:

  • Participate alongside your buddy in this celebratory 5k; express support and enthusiasm for their accomplishment
  • Encourage them to do their personal best and listen to their body, instead of focusing on competition with others
  • Ensure their safety by supervising them and making sure they wear their race bib with emergency information visible
  • Be aware of the route and safety protocols, including first aid locations and emergency protocols

Yes! This is encouraged! This is a great way to accomplish a goal together. 

Extra Running Buddies, siblings, family members, or friends of GOTR participants. You will be asked to select your participant’s GOTR team when registering.

Community members who are NOT connected to a GOTR team and want to run/walk the GOTR 5K. Their support helps fund our financial assistance program.

Sparkle Runners are volunteers who serve as back-up Running Buddies and provide additional safety and encouragement on the course. Sparkle Runners may be paired with a GOTR participant or team on race morning OR will walk/run the course on the lookout for participants who may need some extra encouragement. Sparkle Runners must be women, ages 18+, and submit a background check. All paces welcome! Check out this video from our firends at the GOTR Michiana council to learn more about Sparkle Runners.

Every registered GOTR participant who completes the 5K will receive a medal and a certificate. GOTR merch will be available for purchase in the 5K registration store.

Yes! Family, friends, and community members outside of our program can participate in the event, but must register.

Pleae note, our Cedar Falls 5K event is only available to GOTR participants, their running buddies and family members.

Yes. All 5K registration forms include liability waivers.

Yes! There will be celebration activities before the event in our GOTR Village.

Yes. Girls on the Run 5K events are for everyone! All participants can walk, run, push or roll safely and at their own happy pace. Designated parking spots are available.

This is a non-competitive event and we encourage all runners to go their “happy pace.” To keep the course clear for all, we ask slower runners and walkers to stay to the right, leaving room for other runners to pass. 

Yes, strollers are welcome, and we ask that anyone with a stroller starts at the back of the pack for safety. 

For safety reasons, every participant must wear a race bib provided by us. It’s important for every participant to have a running buddy, and only critical 5K volunteers have access to confidential information. 

GOTR coaches and program participants, running buddies and family runners do not need to participate in packet pick-up. Once they arrive, they can proceed directly to their team's designated area and coaches will have all bibs and materials.

For the Iowa City 5K: Community Runners and Sparkle Runners can pick up their packets beginning at 8:30 AM the day of the 5K.

This is an important day for our girls and the 5K will be held rain, snow or shine. Ultimately, we invite you to make the best decision for you and your participant Saturday morning. Should outside conditions become unsafe, we will notify participants through email and social media as soon as possible, and you can also visit our Facebook page for updates.

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Interested in sponsoring our council’s programs,
5K or a future event?

Email Us


Two Girls on the Run Coaches smile while running

Join us for our 5K!

Not a coach or a Girls on the Run participant?  
Register to join our 5K event!